Basic usage

Core primitives: push, to & friends

apollo’s core functions are push and to, defined in the <converters.hpp> header:

template <typename T, typename... MoreTs>
int push(lua_State* L, T&& v, MoreTs&&... more);

template <typename T>
T to(lua_State* L, int idx);

That is, push takes an arbitrary number of values (at least one) and pushes them on the stack of L in order, returning how many values were pushed on the Lua stack. to takes an explicit template type parameter T and converts the value at the stack of L at the index idx to the type T. If the given element is not convertible to T, a to_cpp_conversion_error is thrown. To check if some stack element is convertible, apollo provides the is_convertible function:

template <typename T>
bool is_convertible(lua_State* L, int idx);

Since after checking for convertibility the additional check by to is a unnecessary performance hit, unchecked_to can be used:

template <typename T>
T unchecked_to(lua_State* L, int idx);

This function is like to, but has undefined behavior if the given element is not convertible to T.

To make these functions actually work, you need to include headers for the types you want to use (each of these includes converters.hpp already, so there is no need to do this manually):

Type Header
builtin types (int, …) builtin_types.hpp
C++ functions function.hpp
user-defined types class.hpp

Let’s try this out:

#include <apollo/builtin_types.hpp>
#include <apollo/closing_lstate.hpp>
#include <apollo/function.hpp>

#include <functional>
#include <cassert>

namespace {

bool is_odd(int n)
    return n % 2 != 0;

} // anonymous namespace

int main()
    apollo::closing_lstate L;

    apollo::push(L, 42); // Same as lua_pushinteger(L, 42)
    assert(apollo::to<int>(L, -1) == 42);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    apollo::push(L, &is_odd); // Functions can be pushed just like other types.
    lua_setglobal(L, "is_odd");
    luaL_dostring(L, "print(is_odd(4), is_odd(5))"); // --> false	true

    // Pushed functions can be retrieved back:
    lua_getglobal(L, "is_odd");
    assert(apollo::to<bool(*)(int)>(L, -1) == &is_odd);

    // Lua functions can be retrieved as boost:: or std::function
    luaL_dostring(L, "function is_even(n) return n % 2 == 0 end");
    lua_getglobal(L, "is_even");
    auto is_even = apollo::to<std::function<bool(int)>>(L, -1);


There is a hidden dependency on the lua_State in the std::function: In its destructor it will attempt to luaL_unref the referenced Lua function. Thus, you must not close the state before the function’s destructor was run. To easily achieve this, this example uses apollo::closing_lstate. This utility class closes the state in its destructor, which is fine since order of destruction is reverse of construction in C++.

Of course, higher-order functions (functions taking or returning functions) are also supported, as are boost::function and std::function.

Syntactic sugar: new_table and rawset_table

Because exporting functions and other things by first pushing them and then using lua_setfield/lua_setglobal is quite tendious and verbose, apollo offers convenient syntactic sugar in the create_table.hpp header:

implementation-defined rawset_table(lua_State* L, int table_idx);
implementation-defined new_table(lua_State* L);

These functions return implementation defined proxy objects that support setting table by chaining operator() calls. Nested tables are also supported using subtable(key) and end_subtable(), as are metatables with metatable and end_metatable.

#include <apollo/builtin_types.hpp>
#include <apollo/closing_lstate.hpp>
#include <apollo/create_table.hpp>
#include <apollo/function.hpp>

namespace {

bool is_odd(int n)
    return n % 2 != 0;

double sqr(double n)
    return n * n;

double half(double n)
    return n / 2;

} // anonymous namespace

int main()
    apollo::closing_lstate L;

    apollo::rawset_table(L, -1)
        ("global_constant", 42)
        ("is_odd", &is_odd)
            ("module_version", "0.1.0-dev")
            ("sqr", &sqr)
            ("half", &half)
    lua_pop(L, 1);

        "print(global_constant, is_odd)\n"
        "print(mymodule, mymodule.module_version)\n"
        "print(is_odd(3), is_odd(5))\n"
        "print(mymodule.half(61), mymodule.sqr(8))\n");

The basics of using classes

apollo’s class system only has the following two primitive functions:

template <typename T, typename... Bases>
void register_class(lua_State* L);

template <typename T>
void push_class_metatable(lua_State* L);

You first register a class T for usage in a certain lua_State* L by calling register_class<T>(L). apollo will then wrap objects of this class in an implementation defined holder and push it as a userdata object. To make this usable from Lua, apollo always sets a per-type metatable that you can access and change using push_class_metatable<T>(L). The only field in this metatable that is preset is the __gc field that unsets the userdata’s metatable (to prevent access to the destroyed object) and calls T‘s destructor. Otherwise you can use classes together with push, to, rawset_table, etc. like any other type. There’s one gotcha though: For efficiency reasons (and to implement implicit constructors) to<T const&> and to<T> do not return the specified type for classes but instead a implementation defined reference wrapper object. Use it’s get() member function or apollo::unwrap_ref() to obtain the underlying reference. Note that when using implicit constructors, the lifetime of the underlying class can be bound to the reference wrapper, so better keep it alive as long as you use the object.

Since there is no direct way to access public data members of classes from Lua, apollo provides wrapper getter and setter functions that can be used to expose them in the property.hpp header. Namely, these are the APOLLO_MEMBER_SETTER(my_class::my_member) and the corresponding APOLLO_MEMBER_GETTER macros. They evaluate to a function (yes, a function not a function pointer!) that takes the member type by const& and sets it or gets it by value respectively.

A similar wrapper is provided for constructors: ctor_wrapper<T, Args...> is a function taht returns a T constructed from Args....

Let’s see some class foo in action:

#include <apollo/builtin_types.hpp>
#include <apollo/class.hpp>
#include <apollo/closing_lstate.hpp>
#include <apollo/create_table.hpp>
#include <apollo/ctor_wrapper.hpp>
#include <apollo/function.hpp>
#include <apollo/property.hpp>

#include <iostream>

namespace {

class my_class {
    my_class(int foo_, char bar): foo(foo_), m_bar(bar)
    { }

    int foo; // Just for demonstration.

    void print_bar()
        std::cout << "my_class::m_bar: " << m_bar << '\n';

    char m_bar;

} // anonymous namespace

int main()
    apollo::closing_lstate L;


    apollo::rawset_table(L, -1)
        ("MyClass", &apollo::ctor_wrapper<my_class, int, char>);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    apollo::rawset_table(L, -1)
        .thistable_as("__index") // getmetatable(T).__index = getmetatable(T)
        ("foo",       &APOLLO_MEMBER_GETTER(my_class::foo))
        ("set_foo",   &APOLLO_MEMBER_SETTER(my_class::foo))
        ("print_bar", &my_class::print_bar);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

        "local mc = MyClass(42, 'a')\n"

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