Logic and more on operators

The bool type

Apart from numbers and text, there is one more fundamental type in C++: The truth value. They have the type name bool (which is short for Boolean value, named after the mathematician George Boole) and can have one of two values: true or false. Booleans are crucial to every program, as they allow to make decisions, as we will see in later sections of this chapter.

The syntax for declaring, assigning, and so on is the same as for other types. The only difference is that the literals are the keywords true and false instead of numbers or quoted strings. cout and cin, however, will print/accept “0” and “1” (mainly for historical reasons).

#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << "true : " << true  << "\n";
    std::cout << "false: " << false << "\n";
    std::cout << "\n";

    auto is_valid = true; // is_valid gets the type bool.
    std::cout << "Valid? " << is_valid << "\n";
    is_valid = false;
    std::cout << "Still valid? " << is_valid << "\n";
    std::cout << "\n";

    bool some_bool;
    std::cout << "Enter a boolean value (0 for false, 1 for true): ";
    std::cin >> some_bool;
    std::cout << "You entered " << some_bool << ".\n";

Example output (with input “0”):

true : 1
false: 0

Valid? 1
Still valid? 0

Enter a boolean value (0 for false, 1 for true): 0
You entered 0.

“Calculating” with Booleans

There exist three useful operations which you can perform on Booleans. The first one is logical negation aka not with the unary ! operator. It makes true values false and vice versa (it is true if x is not true):

x !x
false true
true false

The second one is logical conjunction aka and. The binary && operator results in true if and only if [1] both of its operands are true (if x and y are true):

x y x && y
false false false
false true false
true false false
true true true

The third one is logical disjunction aka (inclusive) or. The binary || operator is true if at least one operand is true. Note that this is also true if both operands are true; that is, it’s not an “either x or y”, (exclusive or) it’s “x or y or both” (inclusive or).

x y x || y
false false false
false true true
true false true
true true true

In composite expressions like x || y && !z, ! is evaluated first (in general, unary operators are evaluated before binary ones in C++) and && is evaluated before ||. That is, the aforementioned expression has the same meaning as x || (y && (!z)).

The following program demonstrates some uses of these operators:

#include <iostream>

int main()
    auto has_armor = false;
    auto has_sword = true;

    std::cout << "In need of equipment: " << !(has_armor || has_sword) << "\n";

    bool quest_complete;
    std::cout << "Have you found the potion yet? ";
    std::cin >> quest_complete;

    bool is_member;
    std::cout << "Are you a member of the guild? ";
    std::cin >> is_member;

    auto paid_bribe = false;
    std::cout << "Ready for boss fight: "
              << (has_armor && has_sword && quest_complete) << "\n";
    std::cout << "Gets offered guild items: "
              << (is_member && (quest_complete || paid_bribe)) << "\n";

Note that we had to put the expressions in parentheses for output. That’s because the compiler would otherwise try to generate instructions that evaluate << first, reading the code like e.g.

(std::cout << "Ready for boss fight: " << has_armor)
&& has_sword && (quest_complete << "\n");

which is, of course, bogus and leads to a compile error.

Comparison operators

We already saw the arithmetic operators +, -, * and / on numbers. These took two numbers, converted it to a common type if necessary, and returned a number of that common type. There is, however, another category of operators which are used to compare numbers. Like the arithmetic operators, they take two numbers, converting to a common type if necessary. However, they do not return a number, but a truth value: a bool. Here they are:

  • The equality operators:
    • == (that’s a double equals sign) returns true if its operands are the same. E.g. 1 == 1 yields true, while 1 == 2 yields false.
    • != means not-equal (≠) and is the opposite of ==: it returns true if its operands are not the same. E.g. 1 != 2 returns true, while 1 != 1 is false.
  • The relational operators:
    • Less-than < returns true if its left-hand side operand is smaller than its right-hand side operand. E.g. 1 < 2 is true, while 2 < 1 and 1 < 1 are both false.
    • Less-than-or-equal <= tests if the right-hand side is at least as big as the left-hand side: 1 <= 2 and 1 <= 1 are true, while 2 <= 1 is not.
    • Greater-than > tests if the left-hand side is greater than the right-hand side. E.g. 2 > 1 is true, while 1 > 2 and 1 > 1 aren’t. It always returns the opposite of <= (and not of <, as one might think; this is not a quirk, it’s perfectly, mathematically logical).
    • Greater-than-or-equal >= tests if the left-hand side is at least as big as the right-hand side: 2 >= 1 and 1 >= 1 are true, while 1 >= 2 is not. It always returns the opposite of <.


Don’t confuse the equality test operator == with the assignment operator = which is written with just a single equals sign. Often, both will compile because all basic types can be converted to booleans (true when not equal to zero) and = returns the assigned-to variable. The following will always print 1 and set a to 1 (the integer value of true):

std::cout << (a = 42 || some_condition);


Be careful when comparing floating point values for equality!

Due to their inexactness, this can have unexpected results. The usual way to deal with this (if you cannot avoid equality comparison) is to check if the difference between two numbers is below a certain threshold (e.g. 0.00001) instead.


Comparison operators can’t be chained. While mathematically e.g. the expression \(0 < x < m\) is true iff \(x\) is between \(0\) and \(m\) exclusively, in C++ 0 < x < m would compare the boolean result of the expression 0 < x to m. Sadly, due to bool being convertible to (other) numeric types, this and similar expressions compile (with a warning you would hopefully have enabled and notice!) but certainly dont’t do what you want.

This example program let’s you enter two numbers and outputs the results of all comparison operators on them as a table:

#include <iostream>

int main()
    // Get numbers from user:
    int x;
    std::cout << "Enter x: ";
    std::cin >> x;
    int y;
    std::cout << "Enter y: ";
    std::cin >> y;

    std::cout << "\n";

    // Test equality:
    std::cout << "x == y? " << (x == y) << "\n";
    std::cout << "x != y? " << (x != y) << "\n";

    std::cout << "\n";

    // Print relation table:
    std::cout << "Relation: <   <=  >   >=\n";
    std::cout << "------------------------\n";
    std::cout << "x OP y? | "
              << (x < y) << "   " << (x <= y) << "   "
              << (x > y) << "   " << (x >= y) << "\n";
    std::cout << "y OP x? | "
              << (y < x) << "   " << (y <= x) << "   "
              << (y > x) << "   " << (y >= x) << "\n";

Example output for inputs x = 1 and y = 2:

Enter x: 1
Enter y: 2

x == y? 0
x != y? 1

Relation: <   <=  >   >=
x OP y? | 1   1   0   0
y OP x? | 0   0   1   1

Example output for x and y both 1:

Enter x: 1
Enter y: 1

x == y? 1
x != y? 0

Relation: <   <=  >   >=
x OP y? | 0   1   0   1
y OP x? | 0   1   0   1

Mixed expressions and more on operators

Before we go on with using Booleans to influence which parts of our programs execute, you should know some more things about operators and expressions.

It is entirely possible and often useful do arithmetic calculations in expressions with comparison operators and use logical connectives on their Boolean results:

#include <iostream>

int main()
    const auto monster_level = 12;

    int player_level;
    std::cout << "Enter your level: ";
    std::cin >> player_level;
    int sword_strength;
    std::cout << "Enter your sword's strength: ";
    std::cin >> sword_strength;

    bool is_player_in_god_mode;
    std::cout << "Are you a cheater? ";
    std::cin >> is_player_in_god_mode;

    auto winning = is_player_in_god_mode
                   || player_level + sword_strength > monster_level;

    std::cout << "You beat the monster: " << winning << "\n";

Example output with player level 5 and sword strength 6 (no cheating):

Enter your level: 5
Enter your sword's strength: 6
Are you a cheater? 0
You beat the monster: 0

Note that operators are evaluated in this order:

  1. Unary operators (unary - and !)
  2. Arithmetic operators (first *, / and % then + and -)
  3. “Input and output” operators (>> and <<)
  4. Comparison operators (first <, <=, > and >= then == and !=)
  5. Logical connectives (first &&, then ||)
  6. Ternary conditional operator ? : (see later section)
  7. Assignment operator (=) and compound assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /= and %=)

That is, the initialization expression of winning has the same meaning as

|| ((player_level + sword_strength) > monster_level)

C++’s order of operator evaluation is intended to allow omitting parentheses in most cases; however, I recommend using better too many than too few parentheses: not everyone can always correctly remember the order of operator evaluation and parentheses make the order of evaluation unambiguous to the reader.

How early an operator is evaluated in relation to other operators is a property that has its own name: the precedence (level) of an operator. The higher the level, the earlier an operator is evaluated.

Operator associativity and “multi-assignment”

As the complement to its precedence, there is also the associativity of a binary operator: It tells you in which order operators of the same precedence level are evaluated (thus all operators of the same precedence level must have the same associativity). Most operators we know yet are left-associative; that is they are evaluated from left to right. For example the expression x - y - z is evaluated as (x - y) - z. If - was right-associative, this expression would be evaluated as x - (y - z).

The only right-associative operators we have seen until now are the assignment operators. Thus the expression x = y = z is evaluated as x = (y = z). What does it mean?

The assignment operator does two things (in this order): first, it (obviously) assigns the right-hand side operand to the variable on the left-hand side. And second, it returns the assigned-to variable. Thus x = y = z; is the same as y = z; x = y;: x and y both get the value of z. If = was left-associative, x = y = z would be evaluated as (x = y) = z, which is the same as x = y; x = z;, leaving y unchanged and assigning to x twice in a row. Fortunately, this is not the case. You can thus use statements of the form

a = b /* = … */ = z = some_expression;

to assign the value some_expression to all of the variables a through z.

The same that has been said about = also applies to the compound assignment operators +=, -=, *=, /= and %=. However, while a = b = c has an intuitive and easy-to-read meaning, a += b += c does not. I thus recommend using either one or multiple “simple” assignment operators = or only one compound assignment operator.


If you should ever come across a situation where the multiple compound assignments would make the code a lot shorter, this would be a good opportunity for a comment, like:

// Calculate a1 as the sum of a1..a9;
// ai will contain the intermediate value a9 + a 8 + ... + ai
a1 += a2 += a3 += a4 += a5 += a6 += a7 += a8 += a9;

However, the above would most certainly be better written using two concepts we will cover later, namely loops and arrays.

Background: The input/output operators (>>/<<)

The statement

std::cout << "x = " << x << "\n";

consists solely of an expression: The <<s are the operators and std::cout, "x = ", x and "\n" are the operands. Because << is left-associative, this expression means the same as

((std::cout << "x = ") << x) << "\n";

The trick here is that std::cout is an object of a special type (a std::ostream, i.e. output stream [2]) for which the << is defined as “Output the ritht-hand side operand (on the stream on the left-hand side) and then return the left-hand side”. Thus, the expression std::cout << "x = " returns std::cout after printing "x = ", and what is left of the original expression is equivalent to

(std::cout << x) << "\n";

this process continues with std::cout << x returning std::cout (after printing x‘ value) leaving just

std::cout << "\n";

This prints the linebreak and then returns std::cout again, but this time the expression’s value is not used, which is legal in C++: you can even write statements like 1 + 2; as-is in your source code and it will compile and do nothing (this is one more thing where (at least some) compilers can warn you; more often than not, such pointless statements result from typing mistakes or copy & paste errors).

Analogously the same applies to std::cin (which is of type std::istreaam, i.e. input stream) and the >> operator; that is you can read more than one variable in one expression (and thus statement), like this:

int x, y;
std::cout << "Enter the x and y coordinates: ";
std::cin >> x >> y;

The ternary conditional operator ? :

Let’s start with an example program that uses the ternary operator:

#include <iostream>

int main()
    auto const correct_pin = 1234;

    unsigned pin;
    std::cout << "Enter PIN: ";
    std::cin >> pin;
    std::cout << (pin == correct_pin ? "OK" : "Invalid!") << '\n';

Example outputs:

Enter PIN: 1234
Enter PIN: 2334

That is, the ternary operator has the following syntax:

boolean_expression ? true_expression : false_expression

In fact ternary means just that the operator has three operands (the succession is thus unary: 1, binary: 2, ternary: 3 operands) ‒ this is an unique property in C++. The operator works as follows:

First, evaluate boolean_expression. Then, if it was true, evaluate and yield true_expression. Otherwise evaluate and yield false_expression.

true_expression and false_expression must thus be convertible to a common type. For numbers the same rules as for the arithmetic operators apply, e.g. condition ? 3 : 0.4 will have the type double; it does not matter which value gets actually selected by condition since, as you already know, types are determined at compile time.

The ? : is right associative and it’s precedence is just above the assignment operators [3]. It is also right associative, so that expressions containing multiple ?:s have a useful meaning. E.g. the following:

auto num_str = x == 1 ? "one" :
               x == 2 ? "two" :
               x == 3 ? "three" :

means the same as:

auto num_str =  x == 1 ? "one" :
               (x == 2 ? "two" :
               (x == 3 ? "three" :

I.e. if x == 1 set num_str to "one", otherwise if x == 2 to "two", otherwise if x == 3 to "three", otherwise to "many".


  • The bool(ean) type can store the truth values true and false.
  • For std::cin and std::cout, true is 1 and false is 0.
  • The unary logical negation operator ! makes true false and vice versa.
  • The and-operator x && y yields true iff x and y are both true.
  • The or-operator x || y yields true if x or y or both are true.
  • Comparison operators take numeric values and yield boolean ones.
  • The equality comparison operators are == for “equals” and != for “not equals” (≠). Don’t confuse equality comparison == and assignment =!
  • The relational comparison operators are < (less-than), > (greater-than), <= (less-than-or-equal) and >= (greater-than-or-equal).
  • Operators are evaluated in order of their precedence. Operators of the same precedence are evaluated according to their associativity (left or right).
  • = can be used multiple times in the same expression to assign multiple variables the same value (e.g. x = y = 42).
  • The ternary conditional operator c ? t : f evaluates to t if c is true and to f otherwise. It is right associative and can thus be composed like c1 ? t1 : c2 ? t2 : f, meaning t1 if c1, otherwise t2 if c2, otherwise f.


[1]The phrase “if and only if” is so common in mathematics and logic that it is shortened to the single word iff.
[2]You can imagine a stream as a pipeline where you put data in at one end (e.g. your program or the keyboard) and it comes out at the other end (e.g. the screen or in the variable given to std::cin).
[3]However, in c ? t : f the t is “parenthesized” between the ? and the :.