#include "FileIdSupport.hpp"
#include "output.hpp"
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <clang-c/Index.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace synth {
class SimpleTemplate;
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
struct FileEntry {
std::atomic_flag processed;
HighlightedFile hlFile;
using PathMap = std::vector<std::pair<fs::path, fs::path>>;
// Trys to link m to an external URL that represents what refcur references.
// The callee must be thread safe.
using ExternalRefLinker = std::function<void(Markup& m, CXCursor mcur)>;
class MultiTuProcessor {
struct SymbolId {
HighlightedFile const* file;
unsigned offset; // UINT_MAX: Whole file.
bool operator== (SymbolId const& other) const {
return offset == other.offset && file == other.file;
struct SymbolIdHasher {
std::size_t operator() (SymbolId const& sym) const {
std::size_t h = std::hash<decltype(sym.file)>()(sym.file);
return h;
using SymbolMap = std::unordered_map<SymbolId, SymbolDeclaration, SymbolIdHasher>;
explicit MultiTuProcessor(
PathMap const& rootdir_, ExternalRefLinker&& refLinker);
// Setter is not threadsafe!
void setMaxIdSz(std::size_t maxIdSz) noexcept { m_maxIdSz = maxIdSz; }
std::size_t maxIdSz() const noexcept { return m_maxIdSz; }
bool isFileIncluded(fs::path const& p) const;
// Returns nullptr if references to f should be ignored.
// Pass 0 for lineno and UINT_MAX for offset if referencing
// the file as a whole.
SymbolDeclaration const* referenceSymbol(
CXFile f, unsigned lineno, unsigned offset);
SymbolDeclaration& createSymbol(
HighlightedFile const& hlFile, unsigned lineno, unsigned offset);
HighlightedFile* prepareToProcess(CXFile f);
void registerDef(std::string&& usr, SymbolDeclaration const* def);
// Not threadsafe!
void writeOutput(SimpleTemplate const& tpl);
// Not threadsafe!
SymbolDeclaration const* findMissingDef(std::string const& usr)
auto it = m_defs.find(usr);
return it == m_defs.end() ? nullptr : it->second;
void linkExternalRef(Markup& m, CXCursor mcur)
m_refLinker(m, mcur);
using FileEntryMap = std::unordered_map<CXFileUniqueID, FileEntry>;
// Returns nullptr if f should be ignored.
FileEntry* obtainFileEntry(CXFile f);
PathMap::value_type const* getFileMapping(fs::path const& p) const;
FileEntryMap m_processedFiles;
PathMap m_dirs;
// Maps from USRs to symbol declarations (referencing m_syms)
std::unordered_map<std::string, SymbolDeclaration const*> m_defs;
SymbolMap m_syms;
// Common prefix of all keys in m_dirs
fs::path m_rootInDir;
ExternalRefLinker m_refLinker;
std::size_t m_maxIdSz; // Maximum length for fileUniqueNames in m_syms.
std::mutex m_mut;
} // namespace synth