
apollo supports pointers to functions (both free ones and member functions) as well as boost::function and std::function. In addition, apollo offers facilities for raw functions: Pushing lua_CFunctions as such and converting other functions to them for zero-overhead compared to a handwritten wrapper. Lastly, some wrapper functions are provided: For constructors, operators and public data member getters and setters.

Function converter


#include <apollo/function.hpp>

apollo’s function converter supports pushing

  • pointers to free functions
  • pointers to member functions
  • boost::function
  • std::function

Arguments will be retrieved using to() and the return value is pushed using push(). Exceptions are converted to Lua errors using exceptions_to_lua_errors(). The this argument for member functions of a class C is retrieved as C& for non-const member functions and as C const& for const member functions (see Classes (user-defined types)).

Additionally, function pointers pushed with apollo can be retrieved back using to() as the exact same type they were pushed. A boost:: or std::function can be obtained from any Lua function or other value that has a __call metamethod. If the value was pushed as the exact same function object type or as a pointer to a compatible free function, invoking the function object will call the the C++ function directly. Otherwise, the function object will contain a reference to the Lua function object and it will be called through pcall(), pushing any arguments onto the Lua stack using push().

Implementation notes

There is a bit of overhead associated with apollo’s functions: First, in order to be able to get the functions back from Lua, type information has to be saved, needing two light userdata upvalues. Then, of course, the function pointer itself has to be saved which is a light userdata for free functions and a full userdata for most member function pointers and all function objects. When calling a function pushed this way, (only) the function upvalue needs to be accessed as an additional overhead. However, all of this can be avoided by using APOLLO_TO_RAW_FUNCTION, as described in the next two sections.

Raw functions


#include <apollo/raw_function.hpp>

Sometimes, you want to just directly push a raw lua_CFunction to Lua using push(). However, if you just do that, apollo will try to use to for the lua_State* and push a single int back. To inform apollo that it should just use lua_pushcfunction(), you need to wrap your function into an apollo::raw_function (defined in the <apollo/builtin_types.hpp> header):

struct raw_function {
    /* implicit */ constexpr raw_function(lua_CFunction f_) noexcept;
    /* implicit */ constexpr operator lua_CFunction() const noexcept;

    template <lua_CFunction /* explicit */ FVal>
    static constexpr raw_function caught() noexcept;

    lua_CFunction f;

The constructor will just initialize the public f member with its argument, the implicit conversion operator returns it. The static member function caught takes a lua_CFunction as template argument and returns a raw_function that contains the passed function wrapped in exceptions_to_lua_errors().

Converting arbitrary C++ functions to raw functions


#include <apollo/to_raw_function.hpp>


template <typename /* explicit */ F, F /* explicit */ FVal>
constexpr raw_function to_raw_function() noexcept;

Takes a function pointer type and value as explicit template arguments and returns a raw function that wraps it, converting arguments using to() and the return value using push().

Note that a function pushed this way cannot be really retrieved back as it does not contain any type information (which is the advantage at the same time: zero upvalues). It can however be retrieved as boost:: or std::function, but it will only be called via pcall then.

Usage example:

#include <apollo/builtin_types.hpp>
#include <apollo/closing_lstate.hpp>
#include <apollo/to_raw_function.hpp>

namespace {

bool is_odd(int n)
    return n % 2 != 0;

} // anonymous namespace

int main()
    apollo::closing_lstate L;

    auto is_odd_rf = apollo::to_raw_function<decltype(&is_odd), &is_odd>();
    apollo::push(L, is_odd_rf);
    // Or, equivalently, even: lua_pushcfunction(L, is_odd_rf.f);
    lua_setglobal(L, "is_odd");
    luaL_dostring(L, "print(is_odd(4), is_odd(5))"); // --> false	true


#define APOLLO_TO_RAW_FUNCTION(f) to_raw_function<decltype(f), f>()
// Exposition only!

Since it is cumbersome to always write the decltype or manually spell the function pointer, this macro does just that for you. It also works for template function names containing unparenthesized commas and works around a bug in MSVC where decltype breaks for addresses of template functions.


    lua_pushcfunction(L, APOLLO_TO_RAW_FUNCTION(f))
// Exposition only!

Converts f to a raw function using APOLLO_TO_RAW_FUNCTION() and pushes it onto L.

Wrappers for constructors


#include <apollo/ctor_wrapper.hpp>

See also

For exposing constructors to Lua prefer get_raw_emplace_ctor_wrapper().


template <typename /* explicit */ T, typename... /* explicit */ Args>
T ctor_wrapper(Args... args);

Returns T constructed from args. This is useful when you need to expose constructors to Lua.


template <typename /* explicit */ T, typename... Args>
see-below new_wrapper(Args... args);

If T is a (smart) pointer type, returns T constructed from new obj_t with the given args, where obj_t is the pointee type of T. Otherwise returns new T constructed with args as T*.

Wrappers for C++ operators


#include <apollo/operator.hpp>

Apollo provides wrapper functions for all C++ operators, except these that do in-place modifications to their operands (e.g. += and --) and the pointer operators (unary * and ->). They take the following form:

namespace apollo { namespace op {

// For binary operators:
template <typename /* explicit */ Lhs, typename /* explicit */ Rhs>
auto name(Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs) -> decltype(lhs OP rhs)
    return lhs OP rhs; // Exposition only!

// For unary operators:
template <typename /* explicit */ Operand>
auto name(Operand operand) -> decltype(OP operand)
    return OP operand; // Exposition only!

} } // namespace apollo::op

The names are the same as the ones of the corresponding Lua metamethods (without leading underscores of course) or follow their naming convention when none exists. In the following table, a “*” in the notes column indicates that there exists no corresponding Lua metamethod, a “3” indicates that it exists only since Lua 5.3 and a “u” indicates an unary (prefix) operator:

OP name Notes
+ add  
- sub  
* mul  
/ div  
% mod  
- unm u
== eq  
!= ne *
> gt *
< lt  
>= ge *
<= le  
&& land *
|| lor *
! lnot u*
& band 3
| bor 3
^ bxor 3
~ bnot u3
<< shl 3
>> shr 3

Wrappers to get and set public data members


#include <apollo/property.hpp>

To expose public data members to Lua, apollo provides the following macros:


#define APOLLO_MEMBER_SETTER(m) /* implementation detail */

m must be a member name of the form some_class::some_member.

This macro expands to a function (not a function pointer!) of the following form:

void implementation-defined(some_class& obj, decltype(m) const& v);

This function sets some_member in obj to v.


#define APOLLO_MEMBER_GETTER(m) /* implementation detail */

m must be a member name of the form some_class::some_member.

This macro expands to a function (not a function pointer!) of the following form:

decltype(m) const& implementation-defined(some_class const& obj);

This function returns a const& to some_member in obj. Note that pushing a const& using push() will create a copy for Lua.