Classes (user-defined types)


#include <apollo/class.hpp>

apollo allows you to use class types with push() and to(), provided you tell the library about the type first using register_class(). However, to make the type usable in Lua, you also need to set the appropriate metatable fields (usually at least __index).

See also

The basics of using classes
A short tutorial that demonstrates the most important features.
Wrappers for constructors, Wrappers for C++ operators, Wrappers to get and set public data members
Useful wrapper functions.

Pointer and reference semantics, smart pointer support

If you push a object by value (or by reference; that is indistinguishable) it will be copied (or moved for rvalue references) to Lua and the copy/moved-to object will live in memory allocated by lua_newuserdata. Such objects are never const.

If you push by pointer, only the pointer is copied (or moved for rvalue references) to Lua. apollo does not make any assumptions about ownership: The only thing that happens when the containing Lua userdata is collected is that the pointer’s destructor is called. That means, if you want to pass ownership to Lua, use an std::unique_ptr, if you want to share ownership with Lua use an std::shared_ptr, if you just want to pass a reference to Lua use a raw pointer and make sure that the referenced object stays alive as long as any references to it exist in Lua (which usually means, if you want to be sure about it, as long as the lua_State is not closed).

Pointers to const will make the Lua representation of the object act as const (i.e. it is only convertible to const&, const* or the value type, which also means that only const member functions can be called on it, since apollo will use to<C&> for non-const member functions).

Using to with class types

For a class type C, to can be used with a template argument of C*, C& to obtain a mutable pointer/reference to the object on the Lua stack, as expected. C const*, also as expected, obtains a pointer to const.

However, just to<C> or C const& (both equivalent) return not exactly what you asked for but instead they return an implementation defined reference wrapper object. This is necessary for const& because the object retrieved might not actually live in Lua but be an implicitly constructed object. In that case, the lifetime of the object is bound to the reference wrapper’s. So how do you use an object wrapped in such a reference wrapper? First, make sure the wrapper stays alive for the time you use the object if you use it as const& (C++ ensures that objects stay alive inside the full expression in which they were constructed, which is already enough for cases where you just pass the result of to to another function that does not store a reference to its argument). Then you can use the wrapped object by:

  • Using the get() member function that returns a C const&.
  • Passing the wrapper to the unwrap_ref function, which returns the same as get() but is useful in generic code, because if the argument is not a reference wrapper, it is returned unchanged.

Alternatively, you can use the APOLLO_TO_ARG(L, idx, T) macro which is just like to but calls unwrap_ref on its return value. Note that the value of this macro may become invalid after the full expression containing it (see above). The name APOLLO_TO_ARG comes from the fact that it is most useful to pass the return value directly as an argument (to a function that does not store the reference).

Note that an object that is const in Lua is only convertible to C, C const& and C const*.

A nil value is converted to a nullptr / default-constructed smart pointer.

Smart pointer retrieval limitations

While normal pointers, references or value types can even be converted from derived types to registered bases thereof, retrieving an object as a smart pointer from Lua only works if it was pushed as the exact same smart pointer type. E.g. a std::shared_ptr<Derived> in Lua can be converted to only:

  • Derived, Derived*, Derived& and const variants.
  • Base (yes, that’s slicing!), Base*, Base& and const variants.
  • std::shared_ptr<Derived>
  • std::shared_ptr<Derived>&
  • std::shared_ptr<Derived> const&

(Would it not be a std::shared_ptr but another type, e.g. a value or a plain pointer or a unique_ptr, the last two were also not possible.) It can not be converted to e.g.:

  • std::shared_ptr<Derived const>
  • std::shared_ptr<Base>

Note that for a move-only smart pointer such as std::unique_ptr only conversion to a (const) reference is possible.

Function reference


template <typename /* explicit */ T, typename... /* explicit */ Bases>
void register_class(lua_State* L);

Registers the class T for usage with apollo, allowing conversions to Bases, bases thereof (if any) and so on.

This function needs to be called before any object of the class T can be pushed or a retrieval attempted. apollo will save the type information and allocate a metatable for objects of this type (see push_class_metatable()).

Base classes must be registered before derived ones. If you don’t need conversions to a base, you can leave it out. You may, however, not specify types as bases that are none. Virtual bases are not supported.


template <typename /* explicit */ T>
void push_class_metatable(lua_State* L);

Pushes the metatable onto the stack of L that newly pushed objects of type T will use when pushed.

T needs to be registered in L (see register_class()).

The metatable initially only contains a __gc metamethod that calls the objects destructor and frees internal apollo type information. You may set your own __gc metamethod but this method must call the original one.

You will usually want to set at least the __index metafield.


template <typename /* explicit */ T, typename... Args>
void emplace_object(lua_State* L, Args&&... args);

Like push(L, T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)) but constructs the object directly in Lua, withouth copying or even moving it. Very handy for types that are not moveable.

Note that this always uses apollo’s default object converter, even if you wrote your own specializations for converter<T>.



#include <apollo/emplace_ctor.hpp>
template <typename /* explicit */ T, typename... /* explicit */ Args>
constexpr raw_function get_raw_emplace_ctor_wrapper() noexcept;

Returns a raw function that constructs T in Lua using emplace_object() from argument types Args. When exposing constructors to Lua, this should be preferred for efficiency reasons. It is necessary when T is not moveable.

Implicit constructors/conversion support


#include <apollo/implicit_ctor.hpp>


template <typename From, typename To>
void add_implicit_ctor(lua_State* L, To(*ctor)(From));

By adding an implicit constructor / conversion function from From to To, to() will be able to convert types that have the type From in Lua to a value type of just To or to a const reference To const& (that’s why a reference wrapper is returned for these two kinds of types).

To can also be a raw pointer to a class type. This is actually recommended, since it is more efficient with the current implementation. If a value type is returned, it needs to be moveable.